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Your Voice Matters – Momentum is Building in the Senate to Pass the DREAM Act

Thanks in large part to your support, momentum is building across the aisle to pass the DREAM Act in the Senate. Sen. Cory Gardner from Colorado is the latest Republican Senator to throw his support behind the bill after President Trump moved last week to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Sen. Gardner, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, joined three other Republicans in co-sponsoring the DREAM Act, which would provide critical deportation protections to young immigrants and lay out a path to citizenship. Sen. Gardner explained his support in a statement: “Children who came to this country without documentation, through no fault of their own, must have the opportunity to remain here lawfully.” The Senate bill already has 10 backers: six Democratic co-sponsors and four Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Jeff Flake of Arizona, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Cory Gardner of Colorado. Your voice matters on this issue and this next week will be important to pressuring more Senators to support this permanent legislative fix to protect our young immigrants. Share this update and invite your friends to join the campaign to pass the DREAM Act in the Senate!

Origen: Your Voice Matters – Momentum is Building in the Senate to Pass the DREAM Act

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Protect Dreamers

House Republicans just passed two anti-immigrant bills—“No Sanctuary for Criminals Act” and “Kate’s Law”—that would green light Trump’s mass deportation agenda. It’s time to urge the Senate to oppose these anti-immigrant bills and focus instead on coming up with a permanent legislative fix to our broken immigration system. Our Senators need to feel pressure from you to deprioritize deportation of Dreamers and enable them to contribute to American companies and communities. Join the campaign to protect Dreamers and urge the Senate to vote no on these two anti-immigrant bills!

Origen: Protect Dreamers

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BREAKING: Pelosi Says Trump Promised Her He’d Sign the DREAM Act

Your voice is being heard loud and clear. President Trump is showing signs that he may be uneasy about his decision to phase out DACA. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said earlier today at a press conference that Trump told her on two occasions that he supports and would sign a bill to give legal status to young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children: “We made it very clear in the course of the conversation that the priority was to pass the Dream Act. Obviously it has to be bipartisan. The president supports that, he would sign it. But we have to get it passed.” Democratic leaders in the House and Senate called for a vote on the DREAM Act in September as part of must-pass legislation on the congressional agenda this fall. They are prepared to attach the legislation to other bills until it passes. Momentum is growing in both parties. Now is the time to urge your members of Congress pass the bipartisan DREAM Act that will provide the 800,000 young people raised in our country the permanent solution they deserve. Share this update and ask your friends to sign this petition to Congress to protect our Dreamers.

Origen: BREAKING: Pelosi Says Trump Promised Her He’d Sign the DREAM Act