Publicado en gobierno

1,400+ signatures — we’re almost halfway there

Donald Trump is threatening to shut down the government because he can’t convince his Republican colleagues to vote for Border Wall funding – now he is attempting to bully Democrats into supporting his vanity project. Donald Trump has taken another unprecedented presidential action, threatening to shut down the government while his political party possess unified government control. Trump can’t convince his Republican colleagues to support his border wall but is trying to pin blame on Democrats. Donald Trump is threatening to furlough thousands of government workers during the holiday season. A government shutdown might sound like something abstract, but it has severe and real consequences for the thousands of government employees who will have their pay suspended and their jobs in question during the holiday season. Threatening hardworking government employees’ livelihoods to score political points is abusive and irresponsible. Importantly, Democrats shouldn’t be necessary to approving a Border Wall. Republicans control majorities in both Houses of Congress and hold the presidency, if they had the votes to approve border wall funding, they could simply vote to do so. But instead, President Trump is attempting to bully Democrats into voting for a package that even his own party can’t fully support. Add your name to tell your representatives to stand firm and refuse to fund Trump’s inhumane and ineffective Border Wall.

Origen: 1,400+ signatures — we’re almost halfway there


Soy un Amante de los Negocios. Me gusta Ayudar al Projimo. Admiro mucho a las Personas Perseverantes que no se rinden ante las Adversidades y que les motiva Superarse para dar lo Mejor de si mismo. Busco constantemente la Sabiduria en la Palabra de Dios. Odio las Injusticias. Los discrimines. El abuso de poder. Deseo aportar Grandes Ideas a la Humanidad. Dar lo mejor de mi. Es mi anhelo vivir en un mundo de paz , amor y felicidad. Sin odios, guerras u egoísmos. Que el Mundo y el Universo que Compartimos sea mucho Mejor de lo que es. Proteger nuestro medio ambiente. Me gusta contemplar la Naturaleza. Disfrutar las cosas simples, como las Sonrisas de los niños, la Alegria de los enamorados y el Gozo del Alma cuando estamos verdaderamente felices. Deseo Compartir lo Mejor de mi y que juntos seamos grandes Amigos. Enlazando Nuestros Conocimientos. Realizar Grandes Negocios.Pero sobre todas las Cosas dar Gracias por todas las Cosas Buenas que hemos recibido. ¡Puedes Contar Conmigo Siempre! Dios te Bendiga Abundantemente en este dia! Tu Amigo, Marvin Gandis

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