Publicado en Salud

It’s National Bike Month – May 2021

The Wright Stuff’s provides a large selection of high-performance exercise therapy products from hand exercisers to cardio equipment, stretching to strength-building for people of all ages and abilities.

It’s National Bike Month!

Established in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling — and encourage more folks to giving biking a try.

Our selection of adapted stationery and aquatic bicycles allows people of various abilities to enjoy cycling for fitness and fun.

Ride the wave
Aqua Creek ProWave Pool Bike

Innovative aquatic exercise bike offers multiple levels of resistance for people with various physical capabilities. ProWave bikes are designed more for general exercise and aquatic spin classes.

Awesome aquacycle
Aqua Creek TidalWave Pool Bike

Aquatic exercise bike offers a unique flywheel and folding v-frame design, multiple resistance levels, adjustable seat and handlebars. TidalWave bikes are designed more for rehabilitation purposes.

Recumbent rider
Stamina Wonder Exercise Bike

Folding, magnetic recumbent bike is designed for people of all shapes and sizes.

Work out while you work
Stamina Recumbent Bike and Standing Desk

Combination exercise bike and standing desk workstation. The compact design provides users with a low-impact cardio workout bike and a convenient workstation.

Full-body benefits bike
Stamina Elite Total Body Recumbent Bike Black

Easy-to-use, stationary bike includes both upper hand pedals and lower foot pedals for a full-body workout.

Bet You Didn’t Know . . .

11 Benefits of Cycling

  1. Weight management
  2. Leg strength
  3. It’s good for beginners
  4. Core workout
  5. Boosts mental health
  6. It can help people with cancer
  7. A positive start to your morning
  8. Prevents and manages health conditions
  9. It’s environmentally friendly
  10. Improves balance, posture and coordination
  11. It’s a low-impact option


Related Fitness Favorites

Statistically Speaking . . .

A 45-minute indoor cycling workout burns anywhere from 35 to 600 calories.

Fitness Equipment for Everyone
Arthritis Supplies
Caregiver Products
Mobility Aids

Origen: It’s National Bike Month – May 2021


Soy un Amante de los Negocios. Me gusta Ayudar al Projimo. Admiro mucho a las Personas Perseverantes que no se rinden ante las Adversidades y que les motiva Superarse para dar lo Mejor de si mismo. Busco constantemente la Sabiduria en la Palabra de Dios. Odio las Injusticias. Los discrimines. El abuso de poder. Deseo aportar Grandes Ideas a la Humanidad. Dar lo mejor de mi. Es mi anhelo vivir en un mundo de paz , amor y felicidad. Sin odios, guerras u egoísmos. Que el Mundo y el Universo que Compartimos sea mucho Mejor de lo que es. Proteger nuestro medio ambiente. Me gusta contemplar la Naturaleza. Disfrutar las cosas simples, como las Sonrisas de los niños, la Alegria de los enamorados y el Gozo del Alma cuando estamos verdaderamente felices. Deseo Compartir lo Mejor de mi y que juntos seamos grandes Amigos. Enlazando Nuestros Conocimientos. Realizar Grandes Negocios.Pero sobre todas las Cosas dar Gracias por todas las Cosas Buenas que hemos recibido. ¡Puedes Contar Conmigo Siempre! Dios te Bendiga Abundantemente en este dia! Tu Amigo, Marvin Gandis

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