Publicado en SABIDURIA

🎁 A meaningful gift just for you…

As much as the world is in turmoil, I am still feeling a whole lot of gratitude…

Gratitude for my life and the many blessings in it. 

So I am inspired to give you a gift that I believe could be quite meaningful.  Let me explain…

You might already know that I had written a book, published by Hay House, entitled: Your Stand Is Your Brand.  It’s a Wall Street Journal and USA best-seller.  I don’t spend much time talking or bragging about it.  But there’s a chapter of the book that I know can transform the new year for you.


I want to give it to you as a gift!

I asked my published and they warmly agreed to let me do it.

Chapter 7 of my book is Entitled: CREATIVE DESTRUCTION

And it is applicable to anyone – especially in today’s world.

In essence, it describes the power of letting go of the past, letting go of old identities, “burning it all down,” so something more beautiful can emerge. 

I give compelling examples in the chapter, including how the Beatles (the greatest and most influential rock band of all time in my opinion) did exactly this at the height of Beatlemania.

As we leave 2020 behind and move into 2021, the practice of creative destruction and letting go of the past so a better future can emerge is, well, critical.

Of course, I’d be honored if you decided to purchase the whole book and get its bonus materials, but rest assured, I wholeheartedly feel genuine joy just freely sharing this chapter with you.


Soy un Amante de los Negocios. Me gusta Ayudar al Projimo. Admiro mucho a las Personas Perseverantes que no se rinden ante las Adversidades y que les motiva Superarse para dar lo Mejor de si mismo. Busco constantemente la Sabiduria en la Palabra de Dios. Odio las Injusticias. Los discrimines. El abuso de poder. Deseo aportar Grandes Ideas a la Humanidad. Dar lo mejor de mi. Es mi anhelo vivir en un mundo de paz , amor y felicidad. Sin odios, guerras u egoísmos. Que el Mundo y el Universo que Compartimos sea mucho Mejor de lo que es. Proteger nuestro medio ambiente. Me gusta contemplar la Naturaleza. Disfrutar las cosas simples, como las Sonrisas de los niños, la Alegria de los enamorados y el Gozo del Alma cuando estamos verdaderamente felices. Deseo Compartir lo Mejor de mi y que juntos seamos grandes Amigos. Enlazando Nuestros Conocimientos. Realizar Grandes Negocios.Pero sobre todas las Cosas dar Gracias por todas las Cosas Buenas que hemos recibido. ¡Puedes Contar Conmigo Siempre! Dios te Bendiga Abundantemente en este dia! Tu Amigo, Marvin Gandis

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